Friday, July 3, 2009

Universal Life

What is Universal Life Insurance?

Universal Life Insurance is a flexible-premium, adjustable benefit life

insurance policy that accumulates account value. The flexibility of

this policy allows you to change the amount of insurance as your needs

for insurance change. Some changes require underwriting approval.

As with all life insurance, the main purpose for buying a Universal

Life insurance policy is the death protection provided to your loved

ones at your death.

Benefits of Universal Life

Flexibility -- You decide how much life insurance you need -- and

subject to certain requirements and limitations, you can adjust the

death benefit and premium payments to fit your changing needs.

Security -- You help protect your loved ones against possible financial

hardship in the event of the insured's death.

Tax-Free death benefit -- Under current tax laws governing individual

life insurance, life insurance proceeds are generally income tax free

to the beneficiary.

Tax-Deferred account value growth -- Your policy's Account Value earns

interest at the company's current interest rate -- federal income tax

deferred. The current interest rate is guaranteed to be at least 4% a


This is a general description of coverage. A complete statement of

coverage is found only in the policy.

Universal Life is a form of permanent life insurance. It can provide affordable guaranteed protection and flexibility.

A Universal Life insurance policy provides flexibility that allows you to change, within limits, the death benefit and the timing and amount of your premium. You can build your policy's cash value, or pay a lower premium and focus more on guaranteed protection.

MetLife's Guarantee Advantage Universal Life can be right for you if you want:
  • Protection that can last a lifetime
  • The flexibility to choose between two policy designs:
    • Protection plus cash accumulation, or
    • Focus on affordable guaranteed protection
  • An option for a lifetime of guaranteed monthly income for your beneficiaries
Some things to consider about Universal Life:
  • Cash value growth is based on periodically-declared fixed interest rates. Should rates fall, cash accumulation could suffer, and higher premiums may be needed
  • Changing your policy's premium or death benefit can affect your policy's performance and guarantees, possibly requiring higher premiums later.

Your MetLife representative can help you determine whether Guarantee Advantage Universal Life makes sense for you and your family.


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